Nutrition Programs and Supplements

Pre And Post Natal Nutrition

We aren’t just concerned about ourselves when we are pregnant. We have to look out for our developing baby, as well.  On top of routine adjustments, nutrition is key to helping mom and baby get what they need and have the optimal pregnancy experience.

Sports Nutrition

We need a lot when we are working out and playing sports. Not only that, we need the right nutrition to help in our gains and allowing out body to perform at 100%.  Are you doing everything needed nutritionally to help you perform?

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are a big source of frustration in today’s world. If we are intaking foods that we are intolerant and/or allergic to, then we are doing our body a disservice. Contact us today to find out how we can do allergy testing through AK techniques and/or sending off for bloodwork, along with Acupuncture treatments.

Weight Management

Everyone is created differently and our weight can be one of the hardest things we deal with. Weight management is not just about getting exercise. There are so many factors that go into weight management. Weight can be affected by stress, hormone imbalance, food choices, the wrong exercises, nutritional deficiencies, and so much more. Schedule an appointment today to talk about how we can come up with the best solution for you.

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.